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2021 KON Leadership Development Webinar Series

JacksonNetworking for Fun and Effectiveness

With Carolyn Jackson

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Connections are critical; connections enhance your life personally and professionally, and are absolutely essential in building your leadership skills. Making connections, better known as networking, is both an art and a science. Networking can be intentionally planned, or serendipitously arise. You can learn techniques that help make networking effective and fun. Whether you are an introvert or extravert, learning how to successfully network is an important leadership skill to help you and others come away with win-win results.

At the end of this program, the participant will be able to:

  • Recognize the interdependence and impact of what you say, how you look and what you do on your personal brand.
  • Compare and contrast your self-perception and others’ perceptions of your personal brand.
  • Leverage your personal brand – skills, communications, social and emotional intelligence, and appearance -- in being an effective leader.