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2021 KON Leadership Development Webinar Series

JacksonEmotional and Social Intelligence in Facilitating Interactions

With Carolyn Jackson

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What is happening here? You are working with colleagues, or even friends or family and you realize, all of a sudden, that people are perhaps reacting differently or not perceiving the situation in the same way you are. You may stop and “feel it out.” When you do this, you are employing your emotional and social intelligence. How well you do this can strongly influence your effectiveness in being a successful leader. Learn to do this better; attend this webinar. Build your leadership skills with the core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management which are essential to increasing your high-functioning leadership skills.

Goals & Objectives

The goal of this webinar is to help you “soar” as a leader by building a toolbox of the learned competencies of social and emotional intelligence – self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. 

At the end of this program, the participant will be able to:

  • Utilize social and emotional intelligence competencies to excel as a leader in school and work. 
  • Apply social and emotional intelligence competencies to enhance the effectiveness of leadership styles.
  • “Move to the front of the line” for being a candidate to an elected office, for a promotion and/or a team leader by leveraging learned skills which are essential to social and emotional intelligence.