Kappa Omicron Nu

Building a User Friendly Environment: The Challenge of Technology in Higher Education
Virginia L. Clark
Gregory F. Sanders
Ronald M. Stammen
Dr. Clark is Dean and Professor, Dr. Sanders is Associate Dean and Associate Professor, Dr. Stammen is Associate Professor of the School of Education—all of the College of Human Development and Education, North Dakota State University.
The incorporation of technology into teaching and research is one of the
most important challenges for higher education today. The College of Human
Development and Education at North Dakota State University has made a special
effort to build the capacity for using technology. Case examples of faculty
experience with both the internet and interactive video are presented and
suggest that there are both frustrations and rewards in using these
technologies. As one instructor noted, however, students receiving courses from
a distance are grateful enough for the access to be forgiving of the problems
with the technology.
In the near future, higher education faculty
will not be replaced by technology. However, faculty who cannot use the
technology will be replaced. Anon
Today, university faculty who consider change a challenge would say that we
are living in the best of times. Adjectives they might use to describe their
work, and the challenges they face each day, might include energizing, fun, and
demanding. A large part of the change that all faculty face deals with the use
of technology, both for their scholarly work and in their teaching. Classes are
delivered with the use of interactive video; syllabi and notes are placed on
the web; and professors make themselves available on e-mail for questions
around the clock.
On the other hand, many faculty members would consider the climate on
campuses today the worst of times! The use of computer technology, video and
audio equipment, and even overhead projectors seems to demand that new skills
be learned every semester if not more often. Take these changes and add them to
the new developments in disciplines, the reduction in number of faculty
(leaving everyone with more work to do), the lack of time for learning to use
new equipment and incorporate new techniques into classes, and the expectations
for production of scholarly work and service in order to earn promotion and
tenure. The result is often frustration and confusion.
The assumption is often that all faculty know how to use a microcomputer,
especially for simple day-to-day tasks like e-mail and word processing.
However, the reality is that many faculty have not had the time and training to
develop those basic skillsproviding them with the right equipment is a
beginning, but providing them with the opportunity to develop the skills to use
the technology is critical.
In addition to providing opportunities and resources for learning to use
technology, the environment for this learning must be a non-threatening one.
Nothing will make an extremely educated and competent person feel more stupid
and incompetent than a machine! The following example highlights one faculty
members recollection of technology training:
I can remember the first computer workshop I attended. I had the
luxury of having a computer to become familiar with prior to the first workshop
session. However, there were several people there who had never used a
computer, and just the task of turning it on was a challenge! One person (who
was known as one of the best teachers on campus) had never used a computer and
could not keep up with our instructor. Finally she quit asking for help, and
she did not return to the second lesson. I have often wondered if that was the
end of using the computer for that particular faculty member.
Regarding the need for utilizing technology in education, Weinbach, Gandy
and Tartaglia (1984) indicated over ten years ago that in their state,
because of various constraints involving time, finances and
distance, many prospective students are unable to avail themselves of main
campus or regional campus offerings. In addition, there are not enough students
located in any one outlying area to justify sending faculty to the area for
on-site education using the off-campus education model employed elsewhere
(p. 12). Visser (1995) indicated that in order to meet this demand
successfully, several ingredients were needed: Students who are curious
and want to learn; teachers who are open to various media to transfer knowledge
and skills to students; management [personnel] who are willing to support all
this with sufficient money and infrastructure; support and assistance of
skilled personnel; good learning software
(p. 108).
Higher education today is challenged by heavy demands and limited resources.
In discussing the need for universities to move beyond allocating
shortages Twigg (1995) states, It is time to move beyond the walls
of our individual colleges and universities to join forces with other
institutions, with corporations, and with public policy makers to revitalize
American higher education. Together we can create wealth. Perhaps most
critical, such capacity building will greatly contribute to meeting
students needs for learning anytime and anywhere.
The challenge for higher education, and specifically for administrators in
higher education, is to create a user-friendly environment that provides the
tools, training, and support for faculty to use technology and to make wise
decisions regarding the use of technology. This manuscript seeks to describe
the plan that we have created in the North Dakota State University College of
Human Development and Education to make our environment user friendly.
The Need
According to Kenneth C. Green, Technology resources are becoming an
increasingly important component of the instructional experience, across all
fields and all types of institutions (1997). Key findings in the 1998
Campus Computing Survey of 571 higher education institutions indicated:
- about 44% of all college courses use e-mailup from one third in 1997.
- about one third use the Internet as a resourceup from one fourth in
- almost two-fifths have an institutional technology competency requirement
for all undergraduates.
- instructional integration (33.3%) and user support (26.55%) were reported
as top challenges.
- technology fees are used on many campuses to assist with the financial
issues created by technology; 45.8% report a mandatory feeup from 38.5%
in 1997.
- adequate rewards have not been identified for faculty who invest time and
effort to include technology in their classrooms, and [t]he growing role
of the WWW as a vehicle for scholarly dissemination and as a repository for
instructional resources raises important questions about who owns intellectual
property of a course syllabus, working paper, or some instructional software
posted on a college or university WWW site (1998).
According to Carol A. Twigg (1995), What was the most efficient way to
teach and learnthe research university model of faculty who create
knowledge and deliver it to students via lecturesnow cracks under the
strain of meeting new learning demands. As an old technology, the traditional
classroom suffers from severe limitations, in both its on-campus and its
off-campus versions. We need a better system of learning to enable students to
acquire knowledge. We need to create a support system for faculty who want to
teach in this new way (p. 6).
Faculty have voiced the need for a support system as well. Faculty who
participated in a LearnShop sponsored by the Great Plains Interactive Distance
Education Alliance in May, 1997 indicated in their evaluations that of most
concern were issues pertaining to time and administrative support to maintain
distance education delivery with technology. The participating faculty
indicated they need and want support from their colleagues and administration.
The faculty deem it crucial to keep this Distance Education vision alive and
want to work together to help students. They indicated that the work effort of
students should not be increased but rather enhanced by the computer-based
courses. The evaluation also indicated that faculty members who participated in
the LearnShop want to work together to share goals and expectations with their
peers (Stammen, 1997). This collaborative desire exists among universities and
within groupwork teams. Further, it was found that such faculty collaboration
encourages and builds on diversity to develop ways to apply technologies with
pedagogy. Participants valued their support groups, not only the discipline
group, but interdisciplinary faculty groups who share and work to come up with
innovative ways to apply technology for education.
According to Al Rogers, Global SchoolNet Foundation (1997), It is no
secret, of course, that one of the biggest failures is the lack of appropriate
staff development. And of course, when one talks about technology and staff
development, the focus is often on training teachers how to use the
technology and what is known as how to integrate it into the
in my fifteen years of teaching teachers about
technology, I have found it far more effective to show teachers how to
teach writing using a word processor, rather than teaching them how to use a
word processor; how to use a spreadsheet or data base to collect and plot
census data as part of a social science unit, rather than how to use the tool;
or how to use the World Wide Web to develop incredibly rich professional
dialogs between students as Web authors and their audiences around the
Steps in Building the Capacity for
Technology Use
Hendrick (1994) stated that Technological and social change will
transform 21st-century institutions from transmitters of knowledgewhich
characterizes education in highly stable societiesto creators of new
paradigmswhich is the norm in a rapidly changing society. Education today
must, like any enterprise, be a bold or dangerous undertaking preparing
individuals for a changing world rather than a world of permanence (p.
1). Shifting paradigms can truly be a bold and dangerous process. Trying
something new and unknown can be extremely frightening, however that is what
technology is requiring higher education faculty to do.
In The Paradigm Conspiracy, Breton and Largent (1996) indicate that
three things must be considered in shifting paradigms:
- Where are we now and where are we going?
- How do we get there from here?
- How can we make the shift and go for change?
Faculty come to the challenge to shift their paradigms with varying degrees
of expertise in the use of technology, as well as in their abilities to select
appropriate teaching techniques and tools. In considering the above three
issues, our group efforts and individual stories serve as markers to our
Where are we now and where are we
In August of 1997, faculty in the College of Human Development and Education
(HDE) at North Dakota State University (NDSU) completed a Faculty Computing
Competency Self-Assessment Profile. The assessment was designed to determine
ways to provide support for faculty during the 1997-98 academic year to work
toward the College Goal, Strengthen the capacity of the faculty to
incorporate technology into existing classes, or to use it (technology) to
better meet student needs. Results of this survey indicated that some
faculty felt they needed training in basic word processing, in using a database
and/or spreadsheet, in use of e-mail, in use of Web sites, and in preparing
multimedia presentations (see table 1). One faculty member commented,
Having someone available to help me learn how to use technology is
important, seeing it at a workshop doesnt do it for me!
Table 1: Faculty Computing Competency Self-Assessment: Percent of responses.
Need training in:
Word Processing
Web Sites
Multimedia Presentations
Creating Web Pages
Statistics Programs
In addition to providing information about the areas where
training was needed, the survey also indicated some resources within the
college. A total of 22% of the faculty indicated that they were skilled enough
in word processing to teach others; 20% could teach e-mail use; 11% could help
others use the internet; 10% could help with multimedia presentations; and 5%
could help others create web pages.
The real key (and challenge) for administrators in higher education is to
create/facilitate the environment so that faculty receive the information in a
context that provides experience and with the resources that they will be using
to actually do their work. For most, this means determining how to provide help
in their office, classroom, or lab when it is needed and makes the most sense.
Several strategies have been identified for use in creating a user friendly
(and supportive) environment in the College of Human Development and Education:
- An Associate Dean position (part-time, with the remainder of the position a
faculty role) was created to provide a person who could spend some dedicated
time and leadership working with faculty and the Dean, to support capacity
building in technology.
- A faculty support team was identified with representatives from each unit
in the College and with varying degrees of expertise in technology use.
- The wiring, hardware, and software were provided for each faculty member to
be able to accomplish the basic goals of word-processing, e-mail communication,
and use of the internet and the Web.
- An assessment was conducted (briefly described above) to determine actual
faculty needs, as reported by faculty.
- Goals were set by the faculty team using the information obtained through
the assessment (many of these were very basic, such as All faculty and
staff will be able to use their e-mail and access the Web by the end of the
fall semester).
- Evaluation strategies were identified, so that information would be
available for future planning and determining success of our goals for this
How do we get there from
Several strategies are being employed to build college capacity in
technology use. Goals of the Associate Dean related to technology included: (a)
help to build internet course exchanges with other institutions; (b) submit
grant proposals to support faculty training in distance education; (c) develop
and publish the evaluation of distance learning training; (d) organize a
college technology team and report on activities of this group. Each of these
efforts are currently underway.
The first internet course received in the college was completed in 1998 for
our Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Management program. We did not have a faculty
member with the expertise we needed, so we contracted with another institution
to deliver the course. Proposals have been developed and submitted for other
internet courses and others are in process. Distance education training is
being conducted by our own campus experts, and demonstrations of on-campus
distance education software have been conducted for the Technology Team.
Evaluation of web-based distance learning training has been conducted (for
efforts to date), and a report has been completed.
The Technology Team has been actively working on a number of issues.
Specific goals of the team include: (a) all college faculty and staff will have
a working knowledge of electronic mail; (b) training for Powerpoint
presentations will be made available along with direct support to individuals;
(c) faculty will have a working knowledge for electronically downloading course
lists of enrolled students; (d) faculty will have access to support for Web
page development. Progress has already occurred on a number of goals. College
personnel have been surveyed and e-mail training has been provided to all staff
and faculty who indicated need for help. Faculty also have been informed of the
process for downloading class lists and many have used this process. A list of
faculty with skills in each of these areas who are willing to provide hands on
support to others has been shared across the college. To date, this
one-on-one training has been extremely successful.
Lessons LearnedWeb War
Stories from faculty members about their experiences in utilizing technology
point to both the successes and frustrations experienced. The examples that
follow help us to learn from experiences and mistakes and inform us about
potential uses for technology.
Burton M. Nygren, Assistant
Professor of Educational Leadership, School of Education (Dr. Nygren teaches in
a program that can be completed through Interactive Video.)
The pain and promise of teaching on interactive
The following are some struggles, successes, and lessons I learned from
working with the North Dakota Interactive Video Network (IVN) and the Minnesota
Interactive Television Network (ITV):
- No matter the logistical and technical challenges (frustrations) for a
professor teaching on interactive television, you can be certain students at
distant sites tend to evaluate the instruction and course experience as
satisfactory. They have saved considerable time, travel, and cost and are
- The fundamental dilemma for the instructor, a problem which persists in all
distance education, is how to create a genuine sense of classroom (a true
community of learners). Interactive television does not prevent class
participation, but student-to-student and student-to-teacher discussions are
cumbersome and seldom spontaneous.
- Faculty members find the lack of physical presence a true barrier in
getting to know and motivate students. Certainly, video and audio permit a
connectedness, yet a students personality is not well
revealed on a small television screen.
- The case can be made that an authentic teaching and learning situation can
only exist once a relationship is established. It is not clear if this can be
accomplished on interactive television.
- Sound level and distortion persist to the annoyance of instructor and
- The most skilled and successful classroom teachers will not become
instantly successful on interactive television. Persons beginning on ITV need
extensive training and practice in the use of camera, monitor, and microphone
- More than any quality, an ITV instructor needs a sense of humor for coping
with the system when it goes downa development as predictable as gravity
and sunset. A bag of teaching tricks and some patience are crucial
to survival.
- The deluge of more powerful and more complex instructional tools makes a
proper balance difficult to finda balance where professors dont
over-tech or under-tech on their courses.
- Instructors involved with ITV strive hard to project themselves through the
camera to distant sites, so there is a real danger that students in
campus-based classrooms are cheated out of a desired teacher/student
- Because practically every student has a life-time of experiences with home
television, students in an ITV setting may appear (or choose) to be watching
television rather than participating in a class. A professor must work
diligently at incorporating the interactive dimension or the class may become
little more than a TV show.
- Faculty members engaged in ITV are exhausted teachers (emotionally and
physically). It is logistically difficult to prepare and send materials for
arrival in the right places at the right times. Compounding all, is the
unending anxiety, even fear, about when technical problems will
bring everything to a halt.
Mary Hadley, Associate Professor of
Food and Nutrition.
Course material on the Web.
My first attempts to produce course materials that could be
available to students on the web were a failure. When I started, to the best of
my knowledge, the only way to prepare web materials was to use HTML. The
computer center offered some introductory courses in using HTML, which I took.
They gave us the addresses of several web sites that had helpful material to
the beginning HTMLer. The problem was time. I spent two days in May just
getting one page ready to load into the Web. Then I had to get permission even
to try to load the page. I just gave up. I decided that if it was going to take
me two days to get one title page ready for the web, my syllabus alone was
going to take a month! A hard copy of the syllabus was sitting on my desk. I
had 120 copies made and handed them out to the students that fall.
I guess I am competitive by nature. The idea that a computer program and all
the trappings had beaten me kept nagging (I keep forgetting that the programs
are prepared by people). An inanimate object had me hooked. I kept making the
odd feeble attempt to get something onto the Web. Then I heard that Claris Home
page was available. The ease, the simplicity, all problems were solved. I had
my syllabus ready in Microsoft Word. All that I needed once the software was
installed was to cut and paste. The problem is that you can cut and paste if
you dont mind one long paragraph with none of your original formatting.
The first lesson of Claris Home Page is that you must start from
scratch and type everything in. Now the real thing is ready to upload.
Uploading. Uploaded!
All right, now into the Web and find the page. A screen shows up but there
is a message that the URL isnt available.
Lesson number 2. Once you have one page ready to upload, try to upload it to
see if it works. If it does, keep preparing things to upload! It took the
experts the better part of 8 hours to figure out what happened.
Very basically, Claris Home Page will put spaces and other odd things into your
document at will.
The Home Page Browser doesnt pay attention to these freebies, however,
the web reads all these additions as foreign language and it wont load!
Lesson 3. Even with Claris Home Page one needs to have some understanding of
HTML so you can take out all the things you didnt put in. After many
hours of high blood pressure, some words actually turned up on the web page.
The pictures didnt but the words did. It took only two or three days to
get the figures to show up too. I spent the better part of a month getting the
material in place for one undergraduate class. I put up copies of all the
pre-prepared overheads I use in class too. There are still things in there that
I didnt put in but I just cant argue with the computer any more.
I found that there are many advantages to using the web. Students no longer
want copies of my overheads. I can correct mistakes in a few minutes. The
student can check her/his grades at any computer with Web access. They
dont have to block the hall and try to read the microscopic print.
Using Power Point!
I did all my overheads for one undergraduate class so that I
could present the lecture material using Power Point presentations. Id
say getting the Power Point ready didnt take any time compared to the Web
material. (I am now a much better typist than I was before I started either of
these projects so that is a bonus.)
I do not think I would spend my time preparing power point presentations
again. They look nice but I ran into too many problems. Half way through a
lecture something went wrong and the system crashed. It ate all the material on
the disk. I was smart enough to have a back up copy of the disk available in my
office, but couldnt use it until I had backed it up. Now I have two
backup copies of any Power Point Presentation. Then the bulb burned out in the
projector and that was the end of that lecture. So now I have three disks with
the presentations and one copy of acetate overheads. I might as well just use
the acetate overheads.
When I lost all the info on the disk in use, I was just going to plug into
the web and use the copies of the overheads I had for the students. That
wasnt possible as someone had not left all the bits and pieces with the
computer and the cables were missing. Another problem was that there are only a
few computers available that we can use for Power Point presentations. I made
my bookings in July for the fall semester. Two nights there was no computer
available because the person who was to return it didnt.
It is clear from these examples that time and frustration are major
ingredients in the technology mix. We do believe that the needs for using
technology outweigh the frustrations and setbacks. Bugs get worked out, and new
and improved systems are developed. We learn from each other as we struggle. It
is apparent that we are still pioneers, and as such we are struggling to
build the cabin rather than sitting by the cozy fire.
How can we make the shift and go for
What we dont like we can conspire to change (Breton &
Largent, 1996, p. 39). Based on our experiences to date, we have set a number
of goals for the future.
- We will work to reach those who need education but cant come to
- We will share expertise and resources with other universities through
exchange of internet courses and modules.
- We will continue to evaluate these efforts to better inform our own work
and inform our colleagues of our experiences.
- We will develop an ongoing system of faculty development and support for
use of ever-developing technology.
- We will incorporate technology in on-campus courses in a manner that
advances our learning objectives and uses an active learning approach.
An article in the Dallas Morning News (August 10, 1997, p. 10A),
Senators request to use laptop boots up debate, speaks to how
these challenges arise in all aspects of society. It seems that Senator Michael
Enzi of Wyoming asked to bring his laptop computer on the Senate floor to take
notes. This simple request sparked much controversy and debate. Senator Dianne
Feinstein, California, said, Im not against computers, but I think
they have their place, and its not everywhere. When youre speaking
on the Senate floor, you should be speaking from a lifetime of experience, not
from what you punch up on a computer. If senators should be speaking from
a lifetime of experience, should professors be speaking from a lifetime of
education? What is the appropriate role for technology in higher education? and
What are the keys to creating the environment that makes appropriate use of
technology possible?
This paper has provided a brief description of our approach to changing a
demanding, rapidly changing environment that is often extremely unfriendly to
one that is user friendly. Maintaining and enhancing this support
will challenge all involved, and may also involve debate as each new challenge
and change is faced. The following principles are suggested for helping to meet
the challenges of technology in higher education.
- Provide leadership at the college (or department) level for faculty use of
technology. Make sure that someone is identified to provide this leadership and
that they have the time, interest, and skills to serve as a role model,
motivator, and teacher as technology challenges emerge. Encouragement and
support are critical ingredients to building capacity.
- Do not make assumptions about the type of technology faculty need. Ask
faculty what type of support they need and how they are using technology. This
is a continuous process as faculty move to higher skill levels and new
innovations become available. Because of time constraints, faculty members
often will not seek out opportunities to develop their technology skills.
- Commit funds to keep campus technology up-to-date. Help faculty members
have a realistic picture of what is possible and available on campus.
Cooperative efforts with other campuses, such as those suggested in the
preceding text, will be less successful if the technological incompatibilities
render activities such as course exchanges cumbersome or even impossible.
- Work with campus technology specialists on an ongoing basis to inform them
of needed support, problems, and goals. These professionals can obtain or even
develop software to meet special needs, but only if they are aware of those
needs. They are not in the classrooms as teachers on a regular basis, nor do
they encounter many of the other issues created by technology that faculty and
staff do on a day-to-day basis. In addition, the technology units on campuses
often provide resources that help in maintenance and keeping the technology
- Maintain a can do approach to the administrative challenges of
technology and distance education. Cooperation among campus administrators is
the first step in facilitating course exchanges with other campuses,
registration for distance education courses, evaluation of course quality, and
other issues created by new and emerging technologies.
Breton, D., & Largent, C. (1996). The
paradigm conspiracy. Center City, MN: Hazelden .
Dallas Morning News (1997, Aug. 10). Senators
request to use laptop boots up debate, p. 10A.
Dillman, D. A., Christenson, J. A., Salant, P., &
Warner, P. D. (1995). What the public wants from higher education.
Technical Report #95-52, Social and Economic Sciences Research Center,
Washington State University
Campus Computing Project. (1998, November). Colleges
struggle with IT planning [Online]. Path: www.campuscomputing.net/
Green, K. C. (1997). Campus Computing Project.
Claremont Graduate University, Encino, CA
Hendrick, R. C. Jr. (1994). Technological change and higher
education policy. AGB Priorities, 1(Spring), 1-12.
Rogers, A. (1997) The failure and promise of technology in
education. Global SchoolNet Foundation-Linking Kids Around the World,
11(Feb). WWW.
Stammen, R. M. (1997). Evaluation of the Great Plains
Deans LearnShop distance education via computer-mediated communication.
Unpublished Manuscript, Great Plains Deans Consortium.
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