Kappa Omicron Nu

Report for FY 1997 - Janelle Walter, Chair, Board of Directors
Virginia Moxley, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Human Ecology, Kansas State University
Exponential growth in the capacity of informational infrastructures during the past decade has vastly increased the ability to distribute and access information. This paper explores how advances in information technologies have impacted the everyday experiences of the people who use them. Information technologies have rearranged time use, neutralized geography as an asset (or liability) for workers and learners, and ratcheted up expectations for instantly available customized information.
Marsha L. Rehm, Associate Professor, College of Human Sciences, Florida State University
As a new information and communications system, the Internet poses a practical problem that demands reflective and critical thinking on the part of individuals and families. This article explores how the Internet can empower individuals and families by enhancing autonomy, offering opportunities to contribute value in an ever-changing world, and facilitating relationships among diverse individuals. The article then argues that not only must we critique information flowing through the Internet, but we also must reflect upon its power as a metaphor and structure that shapes the way we view knowledge and human beings. Finally, suggestions are made for family and consumer sciences professionals including: helping families gain access and skill with the Internet, facilitating dialogue about how the Internet shapes everyday life, critiquing human consequences, and conducting related research.
Elizabeth Larson, doctoral student in Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Kansas State University
Emerging instructional technologies have raised students expectations for access to and quality of higher education programs. As faculty respond to the opportunities presented by increasing technological capacity and increasing student demands for its full implementation, they are confronted with the need to learn new skills, teach in new ways, and create a different cultural milieu. Choreographing these changes requires that teachers and administrators reconceptualize teaching and eliminate barriers to implementation of technology-based instruction while creating opportunities to use it effectively. Peer coaching enables faculty members to maximize the use of technology to add richness and depth to the quality of course delivery.
Virginia L. Clark, Dean and Professor, School of Education, College of Human Development and Education, North Dakota State University. Gregory F. Sanders, Associate Dean and Associate Professor, School of Education, College of Human Development and Education, North Dakota State University. Ronald M. Stammen, Associate Professor, School of Education, College of Human Development and Education, North Dakota State University
The incorporation of technology into teaching and research is one of the most important challenges for higher education today. The College of Human Development and Education at North Dakota State University has made a special effort to build the capacity for using technology. Case examples of faculty experience with both the internet and interactive video are presented and suggest that there are both frustrations and rewards in using these technologies. As one instructor noted, however, students receiving courses from a distance are grateful enough for the access to be forgiving of the problems with the technology.
Steven M. Harris, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Texas Tech University. Charette A. Dersch, doctoral student, Marriage and Family Therapy, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Texas Tech University
The Internet has the potential to change the way we conduct scholarly research. Eliminating geographic and prejudicial barriers are among some of the Internets claims to fame. Despite its potential, it is difficult to give the Internet an overwhelming endorsement when so many concerns still loom large regarding Internet-based research, specifically data collection. It is possible that as the social sciences transition from a modernist to a postmodernist approach to research that the Internet opens up potential research modalities that have previously been unconsidered. This article reports on the authors experience of collecting data via the Internet. Specific concerns and potential regarding confidentiality, anonymity, data security, and methodology are addressed.
Joan Laughlin, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, College of Human Resources and Family Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The information infrastructure has been used to facilitate any time, any place learning, by maximizing student-to-student interaction, student-to-faculty interaction and student-with content interaction in University of Nebraskas Interdepartmental Human Resources and Family Sciences Master of Science degree program. Emphasis is placed on effective instructional design rather than on the technology tools used to deliver education. Since inception of the program in 1994, thirty-five students have completed the M.S. degree, without needing to come to campus, by using satellite down-links, VCR tapes, email, faxes, telephone bridges, and the Internet for teamwork and discussions. Effective uses of mixed media require faculty to redesign courses using instructional design based on models of experiential learning. One unanticipated spin-off of the successful extended education teaching is that many faculty chose to adapt this instructional design to their on-campus classes. The conversation about instructional design and good teaching has enriched the college through the resultant emphasis on teaching and has provided an appropriate balance with discussions about research and outreach.
Carolyn S. Wilken, Director, Galichia Institue Institution for Gerontology and Family Studies and Associate Professor, Family Studies and Human Services, College of Human Ecology, Kansas State University
This case study illustrates the process of developing and teaching a World Wide Web-based course (front-loaded rather than day-to-day), strategies for presenting the content of course, techniques for fostering teacher-student and student-student interaction, and recommendations for assuring that technology supports rather than interferes with the learning process.
Dorothy I. Mitstifer, Executive Director, Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society, East Lansing, Michigan