Kappa Omicron Nu

Model for Distance Learning using Advanced Information Infrastructures
Joan Laughlin
Dr. Laughlin1 is Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and
Research, College of Human Resources and Family Sciences, University of
The information infrastructure has been used to facilitate any time, any
place learning, by maximizing student-to-student interaction,
student-to-faculty interaction and student-with content interaction in
University of Nebraskas Interdepartmental Human Resources and Family
Sciences Master of Science degree program. Emphasis is placed on effective
instructional design rather than on the technology tools used to deliver
education. Since inception of the program in 1994, thirty-five students have
completed the M.S. degree, without needing to come to campus, by using
satellite down-links, VCR tapes, email, faxes, telephone bridges, and the
Internet for teamwork and discussions. Effective uses of mixed media require
faculty to redesign courses using instructional design based on models of
experiential learning. One unanticipated spin-off of the successful extended
education teaching is that many faculty chose to adapt this instructional
design to their on-campus classes. The conversation about instructional design
and good teaching has enriched the college through the resultant emphasis on
teaching and has provided an appropriate balance with discussions about
research and outreach.
Any time, any place learning using information infrastructures has changed
students expectations of access to education. Many examples of classrooms
without walls and campuses without buildings exist (The Western Governors
University and the University of Phoenix); however, one of the dangers in using
mixed media to deliver instruction is getting caught up in the technology toys.
Extended educational delivery is not about using computerized teaching tools or
multimedia software to replace instructors and classroom teaching; rather it is
about using instructional design to incorporate technology as a means to
provide access to education for underserved persons, including adult learners.
Competition and campus mandates will push and pull many institutions into
using information infrastructures to provide access and to serve the
educational needs of both on-campus and off-campus learners. Faculty who are
preparing to teach extended education courses often raise concerns about being
technology-literate enough to teach in the distance education environment. Yet,
more important than full understanding of the information infrastructure is
understanding how to use technology to achieve the goals of the learner and
instructor, in the context of the content and the objectives of the course.
Without effective instructional design, technology-assisted distance
education can be disastrous: students surfing pages on the Internet using the
mouse button like a couch potato uses the remote clicker; or a
video of the professor as a talking head (a la Max Headroom). Lectures
may not be the most productive learning environment. In the average
lecture, the instructor delivers about 5,000 spoken words, of which students
record only about 500 (Oblinger & Rush, 1997, p. 10). Research
on the effectiveness of lecture does not support it as the best method of
developing learner competencies of critical thinking, problem solving, and
lifelong learning (Oblinger & Rush, 1997, p. 9).
Technology-assisted instruction is more effective when faculty switch roles
from functioning as transmitters of information to becoming designers of
learning environments and experiences (Angelo, 1997). Research shows that in
most classrooms, interactions between faculty and students are limited to a few
individuals. In classes under 40 students, four or five students dominate
the interactions (Oblinger & Rush, 1997, p. 10). Experience
decisively shapes individual understanding (Ewell, 1997, p. 4) in
learner-centered classrooms. Educators
theories of
different learning styles and student-constructed knowledge with the theory of
practice-centered learning. Instead of being passive recipients of knowledge,
we now consider students capable of constructing their own knowledge with
guidance from the teacher (Berge & Collins, 1995). The overarching
goal of involving the learner is to focus the responsibility on the learner.
How many times do you hear faculty fret, I have so much content to
Why do we assume that it is the faculty members
responsibility to cover? Why not set objectives for the students and let them
explore and drive their own learning? The technology exists that will enable
them to do so (Hooker, 1997, p. 27).
For students, knowing how to learn is the important priority, and faculty
can take on the roles of coaches, guides, and master learners. The question is
one of how to improve learner productivity (Hooker, 1997). Active learning
works best when learners are presented with a compelling problem that requires
reflection and have opportunities for interaction and support (Ewell, 1997).
The critical factors in learning are
stimuli, responses, feedback,
and reinforcement. A stimulus is provided, usually in the form of a short
presentation of content. Next, a response is demanded, often via a
question (Reeves & Reeves, 1997, p. 60). Learners should reach
metacognition; that is, achieve awareness of objectives, develop the ability to
plan and evaluate learning strategies, monitor their own progress, and adjust
self-learning behaviors (Reeves & Reeves, 1997, p. 62) to accomplish
Applying Experiential Learning Theory in
Distance Education
The Graduate Faculty of the UN-L College of Human Resources and Family
Sciences have adopted active or experiential instructional design for distance
learning classes. The integral parts of this instructional design model are:
(a) learner-centered objectives, (b) brief presentations of content, (c)
activities or experiences that use that content, (d) reflective analysis or
synthesis of generalizations that reinforce that learning, and (e) assessment
of student outcomes to ensure that objectives have been attained. This is an
iterative cycle, where the current learning builds on the previous learning.
Learners explore relationships, make connections, and participate in
application experiences, thus increasing the likelihood of retention.
The challenge for faculty, then, is to focus on development of
content-rich learning experiences, rather than focus on full and
complete understanding of technology used for delivery. An analogy is that I
expect my car to start, to run, to transport me where I need to go; but I
dont need full and complete understanding of how internal combustion
engines work. When my car doesnt work right, I take it to
Skip to fix it. In similar ways, others are the experts to help
with the technology: producers, engineers, and camera-persons for satellite
delivery and producing videotapes; computer technicians for Web-based
instruction and computer-mediated-conferencing. Faculty design instruction that
includes brief content sessions and experiences that enable students to
synthesize new understandings and to integrate with previous knowledge and
experiences. Faculty plan for student conceptualization of generalizations from
the learning activities, for application of synthesized learnings to new
situations, and for ways to assess learner outcomes.
How do these extended education offerings differ from earlier efforts in
correspondence courses or in using audio networks? One important difference is
the media used to deliver courses. Course delivery includes videotapes of
lecturettes, case studies, interviews, trigger incidents for students
analysis and feedback. Class discussions are held on the World Wide
Web. Students may discuss class topics with all students or work with groups of
students on team projects. The WWW-based groupware is used for interactions
between students, within teams of students, and between faculty and students.
To use the groupware, students need to have access to a computer with a Web
browser and a local internet service provider. Students complete and submit
assignments in the courseroom, a password protected area accessible
to registered students only.
The complete program of studies leading to a M.S. in the UN-L
Interdepartmental Human Resources and Family Sciences area is available for
students without ever having to come to campus. The students complete a 36-hour
program of studies that includes 18 hours in Family and Consumer Sciences, 6
hours in Nutritional Science and Dietetics, 6 hours in Textiles, Clothing and
Design, 3 hours in research methods, and 3 hours in statistics. In addition to
the course work, students take written comprehensive examinations and complete
an Option III project which requires them to demonstrate critical thinking and
problem solving skills as well as the ability to use new knowledge
as consumers of research. No substantive changes to the program of studies were
made for the extended education degree program.
The Interdepartmental Graduate Committee (the graduate committee for the
Interdepartmental area program in Human Resources and Family Sciences) worked
with the Administrative Advisory Council, the faculty, and the departments to
identify specific courses and faculty to teach these 12 courses: FACS 906,
Consumer and Family Economics; FACS 980, The Family in a Cross-Cultural
Perspective; TXCD 811, Recent Developments in Textiles; NUTR 800, Contemporary
Nutrition; HRFS 875, Research Methods; FACS 872, The Adolescent in the Family;
FACS 907, Family Financial Management; BIOM 896, Statistical Decision Making;
NUTR 855, Nutrition: A Focus on Life Stages; TXCD 870, Textile Economics; FACS
815, Advanced Instructional Theory in Family and Consumer Sciences; and FACS
987, Family Strengths. In addition to degree-seeking students, others have
enrolled in courses to meet personal objectives, such as teacher certification
renewal, Registered Dietitian renewal, continuing education units, or
professional development units for renewal of Certification in Family and
Consumer Sciences.
Distance education students access library resources through student visits
to a research library, and/or through Internet connectivity to UN-L library
special support services from Kate Adams, liaison librarian for distance
education. Individual students access the librarys database through the
WWW to the IRIS system, identify an article they want, and then the library
staff retrieve the article, photocopy it, and mail or FAX it to student(s).
Students access the Expanded Academic Index (EAI) to do an enhanced periodical
search (provides author, title, subject and keyword searching of journals of
economics, philosophy, psychology, medicine, drama, nutrition, literature, law,
and engineering through IRIS, using unlgrad1 student accounts.
One challenge in the delivery of the program has been to provide one
stop student services through the college Deans office. To
facilitate planning, a mythical graduate student who had never set foot
(nor would ever set foot) on campus was pictured. With such a student in mind,
we reviewed every step a student would need to complete in order to apply, be
accepted, matriculate, register for each course, take care of special
situations and requests, apply for the degree, and to graduate (including
ordering academic attire, for although students study at-a-distance, many
choose to attend graduation). On-campus students learn such things as how to
secure advisor approval as needed, learn to deliver documents to appropriate
offices, etc. Because extended education students have no cognitive map of the
campus and its bureaucracy, special student services are needed to support
them. Support staff who take everything in stride and are reassuring, helpful,
and informed are essential to the success of the program.
Does experiential learning instructional design used with technology work
for graduate education? The graduate faculty is pleased to share that it does.
The first cohort of extended education students started in August 1994 and
completed course work in August 1997. A second cohort of students from Nebraska
as well as across the nation participated in the 1995-98 program. To date,
thirty-eight (38) women have earned their M.S. degrees using technology-enabled
interaction with faculty and other students2. When the program began
in 1994, satellite broadcast from the classroom or studio was used,
supplemented by telephones for one-way video, two-way audio interaction in a
synchronous delivery (learners and teachers met at a scheduled time). Now,
professors are using the World Wide Web for asynchronous communication, along
with videotapes (For example, visit http://romulus.UN-L.edu/. Courses that meet
at this site are password protected.).
Who are the students? The profile of students includes full-time employees,
full-time spouses and parents of children ranging in age from toddlers to teens
and young adults. One extended education student commented: Enrolling
in classes keeps my fifty-something-year old brain stimulated and
learning. Distance or scheduling commitments keeps students from
coming to campus. In fact, only one of the graduates would have come to campus
for the degree program if it were not made available to her via distance
education. This program is the difference between obtaining a Masters
degree or not according to one student. These students were new
students to us, students who would not have had access to graduate
education if the extended education degree program were not in place. An
additional benefit is that the distance education program increases the course
selection for on-campus students. Some courses with limited enrollment have
sustaining enrollment due to the extended education students whose numbers help
these courses meet minimum class size standards. Thus, if a course
had been offered as an on-campus course only, it would have been canceled due
to low enrollment. With the distance education component, the class meets or
exceeds minimum enrollment standards, and thus avoids cancellation, permitting
a wider course selection for on-campus students.
Many of the students have experienced life-altering events, including births
of children, divorce, widowhood, illness of family members, responsibilities
for elder care; but, the distance education program meant they could remain at
home to deal with these events without interruption of the
educational program. A graduate of the program explained: I chose
distance learning for personal growth, at my husbands insistence. Since
my husbands death (during my first year of studies), I now am responsible
for the family farm and college education of my children. I also live 400 miles
from campus. This program enabled me to complete the Masters degree to qualify
for a professional position. One extended education student said:
This happened to me
, but distance education provided the
opportunity for me to update teaching strategies and change
Current (students in the third cohort, 1998-2002) degree-seeking students
reside within the contiguous United States and Hawaii, along with Guam and
Thailand. Enrollment covers the United States coast to coast (South
Carolina to California) and border to border (Texas to Wisconsin).
The cohort of students who matriculated for the program of study Fall 1998,
will take one class each semester and summer and complete the Option III
project and written comprehensive exams. This cohort of 36 students are from
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas,
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, Thailand, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Lessons Learned
Each year, formative evaluations were completed. Among the objectives of the
formative evaluation are to determine if distance education students perceive
convenience and economic advantages. Most agree that distance education is an
opportunity to meet personal goals, to advance their careers, and to contribute
to the economic stability of their families (Table 1); however, their comments
indicate that class time is an additional element in their busy lives. Students
express a great deal of concern about the time required to study in preparation
for classes and examinations, to complete assignments, and to retrieve
resources from the library. They had not anticipated these demands on their
time, although they had recognized that time would be required to attend class.
Table 1. Graduate students attitudes about distance education.
An opportunity to advance my
An opportunity to lead to an
alternate career
An opportunity to refresh my
skills to return to my career
To meet my personal goals
To meet goals my family have for
To contribute to the economic
stability of my family
(5=strongly agree; 1=strongly disagree)
Students frequently express heartfelt appreciation of the distance education
degree program. One said: Distance education has made it possible for
me to fulfill a long-term goal to do a Masters degree. It is impossible
for me to commute or move the nearly 200 miles to campus. When the opportunity
arose to get the degree through distance education, it was like an answer to my
Students shared initial concerns about technology and about using the
Internet to search for journal articles in the library and order the reprints.
However, by the second course, they were more comfortable with delivery, and
now volunteer their favorite and least favorite delivery preferences. Students
have high expectations for faculty performance, for technology, and for
relevance of course content, as commonly would be expected of adult learners.
The graduate students grow accustomed to distance education technologies.
They experience success with class content and delivery, develop rapport with
the cohort group of students, understand how to best access the faculty
teaching the class, develop facility with using e-mail and Internet access to
the library, and are persisters who are committed to the degree program.
Particularly insightful were comments of students who appreciated faculty
serving as models for teaching using experiential learning design. One student
commented: I have learned new teaching styles from extended education
instructors, and I plan to use this experience to enhance my teaching
Technology used in distance education can be an artificial barrier to
interpersonal communications: this phenomenon is called transactional distance.
Although the majority feel interactions are satisfactory (Table 2), students
tell instructors that they long for one-on-one interaction and continuous
feedback about student progress from instructors. Faculty attempt to provide
this high level of interaction through a variety of means, including phone
calls, e-mail, bridge phone discussion groups, and response to e-mail
questions. Very encouraging is the high level of support from family and other
support systems. A student expressed it this way: My family is proud
of me - and I havent graduated yet!
Table 2. Graduate students attitudes about interactions that occur
in distance education.
My interactions with the
My interactions with other
My interactions with the course
My interactions with technology
for course delivery
My interactions with my family or
other support systems
My interactions with my employer
My ability to balance competing
(5=very satisfactory; 1=very unsatisfactory)
These students report less satisfaction with balancing the competing roles
of employee, spouse, parent, and community volunteer, but the fact that
distance education permits them to assume most of these roles while completing
a degree is important to them.
To elicit students comfort with distance education, we asked
Where does this program stand overall on a scale of 1 to 7, where a 7
represents the best possible education and 1 represents the
worst possible education? The mean response was 5.56
+ 1.06, reflecting the students confidence in the quality of
education regardless of the delivery technology that elicits
less-than-satisfied responses from a few (7%) of the students. For more
information, call (402) 472-2913 or email [email protected] or visit our
site on the WWW: http://ianrwww.UN-L.edu/ianr/chrfs/exteduc.htm.
More than one-third of the faculty in the college participates in teaching
extended education classes, a critical mass great enough to produce significant
shifts in the culture of the college. However, one factor contributing to the
success of the distance education program was the emphasis on faculty
development. Faculty participated in satellite video conferences on distance
education, LearnShops with faculty from other institutions (through the Great
Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance), participated in monthly brown
bags, and generally have been supportive of one another. One unanticipated
spin-off of the successful extended education teaching is that many faculty
chose to adapt experiential instructional design in their on-campus classes.
The conversation about instructional design and good teaching has enriched the
college through the resultant emphasis on teaching and has provided an
appropriate balance with discussions about research and outreach.
1Dr. Laughlin provides leadership for the
Interdepartmental Human Resources and Family Sciences M.S. degree program
delivered via distance education, and is a founding member of the Great Plains
Interactive Distance Education Alliance (Great Plains IDEA).
2The program received the A*DEC Outstanding
Educational Program Award, 1998.
Partial support for faculty development was obtained from
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Extension Service Agricultural
Telecommunications Grants: Great Plains InterUniversity Consortium: Building
capacity for distance learning, Co-Directors, B. Stowe & V. Moxley, and
Establishing a network training concept for distance education, Co-Directors:
D. C. Draper, J. A. Stout, & J. Laughlin. These grants funded four years of
faculty development activities. In addition, J. Laughlin obtained an A*DEC
grant to partially fund satellite delivery of NSD 800 Contemporary Nutrition,
Angelo, T. A. (1997). The campus as learning
community. AAHE Bulletin, 49(9), 3-6 .
Berge, Z., & Collins, M. (1995). Computer-mediated
communication and the online classroom in distance learning.
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine, 2 (4). Retrieved from
http://sunsite.unc.edu/cmc/mag/1995/apr/berge.html (Jan. 14, 1998).
Ewell, P. T. (1997). Organizing for learning. AAHE
Bulletin, 50(4), 3-6.
Hooker, M. (1997). The transformation of higher education.
In D. G. Oblinger and S. C. Rush (Eds.) The Learning Revolution (pp.
20-34). Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing.
Oblinger, D. G., & Rush, S. C. (1997). The learning
revolution. In D.G. Oblinger and S.C. Rush (Eds.) The Learning Revolution
(pp. 2-19). Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing.
Reeves, T. C., & Reeves, P. M. (1997). Effective
dimensions of interactive learning on World Wide Web. In B. H. Khan (Ed.).
Web-based Instruction (pp. 59-66). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational
Technology Publications.