in the
Vol. 16, No. 1
ISSN: 1546-2676
Guest Editor:
Rebecca J.
Kappa Omicron Nu FORUM, Vol.
16, No. 1.
ISSN: 1546-2676. Editor: Dorothy I. Mitstifer. Official publication of Kappa Omicron Nu National Honor Society. Member,
Association of College Honor Societies. Copyright ©
2005. Kappa Omicron Nu FORUM is a refereed, semi-annual publication serving the profession of family and consumer sciences. The opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the society. Further information: Kappa Omicron Nu, PO Box 798, Okemos, MI 48805-0798. Telephone: (727) 940-2658 ext. 2003
in submitting an article to KON FORUM? Papers are now being
accepted for review.


Kappa Omicron Nu

of Contents
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary
Family Communication: Starting Dialogues that Inform our Scholarship
Rebecca J. Dumlao, Guest Editor
Family communication in the information age, the subject matter for this special issue, holds important implications for leaders in the Family Sciences. Both interpersonal communication and mass media communication are changing rapidly in our world and are impacting the lives of the families we study and serve.
Family Communication Scholarship: Current Work and Developing
Research Frontiers
Rebecca J. Dumlao
This article offers an overview of contemporary family
communication scholarship. First, I highlight common assumptions about communication processes to provide a base for
scholars from different disciplines to increase shared understandings about todays family communication research.
Next, I identify key constructs and vital areas of this research as determined by leading scholars. Finally, I pose
some frontiers for interdisciplinary scholarship about family communication in the information age.
Mothers and Millenials: Career Talking Across the
Peggy S. Meszaros, Elizabeth Creamer, Carol Burger, Jennifer
This paper explores career decision communication
between mothers and daughters living in the information age. Qualitative data from telephone interviews of eleven
matched pairs of mothers and their high school daughters indicate that daughters are turning first to their mothers for
career advice and communication is taking place while simple routine tasks of daily living are performed. Findings
suggest generational differences in communication with quality and quantity of conversation about careers improving.
Mothers are a source of career information for their daughters and could benefit from additional resources about
non-traditional careers so that the guidance they provide to their Millennial daughters in this information age
includes a wide range of career options.
Metacommunication in Hearing Aid Acquisition: Audiologist,
Patient, Family
Ann Marie Cianci and Diane Ferrero-Paluzzi
This paper highlights the importance of family
communication and metacommunication in audiology and, more specifically, in hearing aid dispensing. We argue that, as
audiologists are trained in communication skills, so too should they be trained in how to include family members in the
communication. Metacommunication, or communication about communication, should be the significant method of training
for audiologists and the families.
Kin Relationships and Email: Bringing Families Closer
Amy Epner and Kevin H. Gross
Using data from the PEW Internet and American Life
Project, March 2000 Survey, this study investigates how using computer-mediated communication (i.e., email) to
communicate with family members affects family relationships. First, we look at who uses email to contact family
members. Then we look at whether those individuals using email perceive that email affects their family relationships.
Results show that younger Caucasian females with higher incomes living in two-adult households are more likely to email
family members; using email is associated with increased family communication. Overall, emailing family members is
thought to benefit family relations. Findings are consistent with the knowledge gap hypothesis; however, a displacement
model of computer-mediated communication is not supported.
