Kappa Omicron Nu

From the Guest Editor
Overview: Forum is a publication of Kappa Omicron Nu. Around 2003 Kappa Omicron Nu initiated an effort to encourage the submission of working papers for discussion. This area of kon.org was called “Human Science Working Papers” or “HSwp.” This collection of 15 articles have copyright dates ranging from 2003-2014. These articles were reportedly desk reviewed by Dorothy Mitstifer at the time.
As KON updates its website it is discontinuing the section or activity devoted to working papers. To preserve the thoughts and research in HSwp it is being converted into a Forum article. There is every indication that the quality of review of these articles is comparable to that which was done with other Forum issues.
Holly Roseski, Executive Director, Kappa Omicron Nu, March, 2022
Table of Contents
Consumer Moral Ambiguity: The Gray Area of Consumption
Sue L. T. McGregor
This monograph is about a new concept called consumer moral ambiguity, the uncertainty and doubt some people may experience when they encounter a consumer purchase with moral overtones (their decision may cause harm or injury).
McGregor, S. L. T. (2014). Consumer moral ambiguity: The gray area of consumption [McGregor Monograph Series No. 201401]. Seabright, NS: McGregor Consulting Group. www.consultmcgregor.com
© Sue L. T. McGregor 2014
Peer Review: A Filter for Quality
Dorothy I. Mitstifer
Peer review is securely ensconced as a means of quality control and certification in higher education; yet the criticisms of the practice continue. This paper discusses the editorial objectives of peer- reviewed publications, poses questions to guide effective reviews, describes elements of a review report, and explores the rights and responsibilities of the publisher, editor, reviewer, and author. The overall intention is to strengthen the peer review process and ensure its role as a filter for quality.
Published June 2003 in Kappa Omicron Nu Dialogue, Vol. 12, No. 2.
Mentoring Students in Cross-Specialization Teams
Dorothy I. Mitstifer
The development of vertically integrated research teams provides a natural mentoring hierarchy. This paper discusses a framework for a cross-specialization research agenda, skill sets for mentoring, and anticipated impacts.
Published October 2003 in Kappa Omicron Nu Dialogue, Vol. 13, No. 1.
Consumerism as a Source of Structural Violence
Sue L. T. McGregor
Capitalistic consumerism needs an infrastructure in order to continue to manifest itself. Components of that infrastructure include technology and telecommunications, corporate led globalization, the neo-liberal market ideology, world financial institutions, and complacent, or complicit, governments. Most significantly, the other component of this infrastructure is the consumer, and by association, the family and consumer sciences (FCS) profession. The basic premise of this paper is that this entire infrastructure is a key source of structural violence, enabled by consumers and FCS professionals who, knowingly or unknowingly, embrace the ideology of consumerism.
© Sue L. T. McGregor 2003
Consumer Entitlement, Narcissism, and Immoral Consumption
Sue L. T. McGregor
The premise of this paper is that a sense of an entitlement to consume, in combination with narcissistic pride, ego, vanity, conceit, and arrogance, leads to the untenable situation of morally irresponsible consumption decisions.
© Sue L. T. McGregor 2003
A Satire: Confessions of Recovering Home Economists
Sue L. T. McGregor
For the past 50 years, a few leading home economics thinkers have been sharing their thoughts about the mission, principles, and vision of the profession and field of study. Their think pieces are often very deep and lengthy due to the philosophical stance they take. Philosophy has a language and body of knowledge of its own. To really understand Brown and others, we need a much more in-depth knowledge in philosophy than most of us have. To offset this philosophical knowledge gap, we offer this paper. It provides a way to move forward from the prevailing home economics belief system that has been accepted as the “way to do things” for the past 100 years.
© Sue L. T. McGregor 2003
The Nature of Transdisciplinary Research and Practice
Sue L. T. McGregor
Recently I attended a public symposium held by the Canadian Commission/or UNESCO (May, 2004). The entire focus was on the transdisciplinary approach. Until attending this symposium, I was happy touting the merits of the interdisciplinary approach. The insights I took away from this experience prompted me to write this short paper for other home economists.
© Sue L. T. McGregor 2004
(A revised version was published in Transformative Practice: New Pathways to Leadership (McGregor, 2006, pp. 55-82).
Reflection Matters: Connecting Theory to Practice in Service Learning Courses
Mary E. Henry
Service learning courses enable students to integrate academic study with service in the community to better understand course content through direct engagement in active learning. Reflection is a powerful educational strategy that enables students to make connections and derive meaning from their experience. Students have opportunities to reexamine and test their knowledge, assumptions, values, and beliefs about complex social issues as they combine their discipline-specific coursework with service in community-based, real-world settings. Integrating well-structured reflection exercises into course requirements has been found to enliven teaching and enrich learning in ways that are enduring. As students take more responsibility for their own learning, they are empowered by their active participation in important work that can make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. Reflection does matter.
Published September 2004 in Kappa Omicron Nu FORUM, Vol. 15, No. 2.
What's It All About—Learning in the Human Sciences
Dorothy I. Mitstifer
Two recent articles by John Tagg (2004a, 2004b) challenged me to wonder about the state of learning in the human sciences. His first article in About Campus raised the question, "Why Learn?," and his second one focused on "Alignment for Learning." It seems to me that Tagg's concern that higher education is encouraging grade-grubbing careerism is one that Kappa Omicron Nu should be concerned about. Our members have the grades, or they wouldn't be members. So, what is our responsibility to make sure that serious scholarship is a deep approach to learning-studying for life? The difference may be that the learning task is approached in two different ways: performance goals vs. learning goals. The one way shows positive judgment about learning, and the other way seeks increased competence.
Published July 2004 in Kappa Omicron Nu Dialogue, Vol. 13, No. 2.
Leadership Responsibilities of Professionals
Dorothy I. Mitstifer
This manuscript introduces a leadership development model that raises the question: Leadership for what? Leadership is about going somewhere--personally and in concert with others in an organization. The leadership development model described is intended to guide your footsteps in a direction that clarifies your personal and professional journey and is shared among colleagues for the well-being of your organization.
© Dorothy I. Mitstifer 2005
Categories of Sexual Harassment: A Preliminary Analysis
Catherine Amoroso Leslie, William E. Hauck
Sexual harassment is a pervasive and costly problem for businesses, government, and educational institutions. Throughout the past 20 years, researchers have used a 5 group system to classify "sexual harassment" behaviors. The purpose of this study is to explore the relevance of these categories. Preliminary factor analysis of data from 276 female college students indicates potential support for three, rather than five categories of sexual harassing behaviors. Ongoing interdisciplinary research will help Family and Consumer Sciences professionals to understand how sexual harassment is perceived by individuals, families, and communities and address it accordingly.
© Catherine Amoroso Leslie, William E. Hauck 2005
Knowledge Management / Keeping the Edge
Dorothy I. Mitstifer
Association IMPACT (the magazine of the Michigan Society of Association Executives) interviews Dr. Mitstifer for the second in MSAE's series on Thomas L. Friedman's bestseller, The World is Flat. The goal of the feature was to look at the association role in helping individuals secure their professional future in a world where competition for jobs is going global.
© Dorothy I. Mitstifer, 2006
Super Kids Program Evaluation Plan
Nina L. Roofe
Summer enrichment programs for children are increasingly present on college and university campuses. Formal evaluations of these programs identify areas for program improvement, documentation of outcomes, and justification for program continuance. The University of Central Arkansas Super Kids program is for students entering first, second, and third grades. It utilizes a science-based curriculum and incorporates confidence and character-building activities. This program evaluation plan, based on causative theory, may serve as a guide for similar programs (Fitzpatrick, Sanders, & Worthen, 2004).
© Nina L. Roofe, 2009
The Enigmatic Profession
Nina L. Roofe
The field of family and consumer sciences originated in the area of domestic science. The field evolved in great part due to the need to improve living conditions resulting from the social, economic, and public health issues that arose during the Industrial Revolution. From Ellen Richards initiating the Lake Placid Conferences to the work of Brown and Paolucci in formulating a definition of home economics to today, our field of study has struggled with identity and public recognition. This paper explores the philosophical foundations, the influence of historical and current events, and the future of the discipline.
© Nina L. Roofe, 2009
The Wilberian Integral Approach
Sue L. T. McGregor
For years, the home economics (family and consumer sciences - FCS) profession has been on a trajectory towards a holistic, integrative approach to practice. During the last half-century, we have moved from systems theory, to family ecosystem theory to human ecology, all predicated on integration. In the late eighties, Bubolz and Sontag (1988) wrote a seminal article on the notion of integration in home economics and in human ecology. Recently, McGregor (2010c) revisited their work. The American body of knowledge now recognizes integration and holistic as key principles of practice (Nickols et al., 2009).
© Sue L. T. McGregor, 2010