Bullying Initiative
Websites with bullying activity ideas
- Actionwork.com: Highlights artwork prepared in response to an anti-bullying artwork competition in connection with bullying week. Films, pictures, poems, stories and cartoons were submitted in connection with the contest. A prize was awarded to the winning artist’s school as well as the artist.
- Anti-bullying Alliance: Anti-Bullying Week: Website based in the U.K. provides resources for anti-bullying week.
- Anti-bullying Petition: Generate or sign an anti-bullying petition. Such petitions have been prepared in connection with anti-bullying events/causes/legislative efforts. (See, for example, www.pacer.org/bullying/digitalpetition/; wegiveadamn.org/2010/04/petition-to-support-federal-anti-bullying-bill/, petitiononline.com/antibull/petition.html , facebook.com/pages/Anti-Bullying-Petition/212454978795873 , change.org/petitions/petition-for-federal-anti-bullying-law-jameys-law, thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2011/11/15/368634/equality-ohio-to-deliver-80000-anti-bullying-petitions/ ).
- Eyes on Bullying:
- Story Swap: Encourages adults and children to share their own experiences with bullying.
- Be a Detective: Helps children understand the different behaviors related to bullying and to discuss ways to report bullying.
- New Eyes: Encourages children and adults reflect on their own beliefs about bullying.
- Standing Up: Allows children to practice their assertiveness skills.
- Eyewitness: Challenges children’s perceptions about the role of bystander.
- What If? Invites children to explore different options for changing the bully’s “game.”
- What You Can Do: Provides suggestions to help adults respond to and end bullying.
- PACER’s Student Action Plan Against Bullying: Includes a lesson plan with case studies and suggested activities that tie in with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center’s Website.
- SPREAD THE WORD: The Net Cetera Community Outreach Guide This guide includes information for the implementation of a program to inform parents and community members of online dangers and what can be done to prevent these.
- Teach Peace Now: Includes role playing activities to highlight roles of persons involved in the bullying cycle.
- We Stop Hate: YouTube channel with video-related activities related to bullying.