Bullying Initiative
Bullying Research Links
Association for Middle Level Education: Link leads to a 2006 bullying research summary. Several articles are annotated.
Bullying Network at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Website has the mission of “unit[ing] researchers in bullying prevention and research.“ It includes a wealth of information related to school bullying research. The featured network is international and the articles identified on the member research link are current and include several themes related to school bullying.
Bullying Research: Website provides international bullying research links including research, reports, theses, and movies.
Cyberbullying Research Center: Website has a wealth of information related to cyberbullying, including specific research related to cyberbullying.
Bullying: Research Behind the Facts: Presented by Education.com, this page lists several links to research-based articles containing information about various aspects of bullying, including background information related to this complex topic in its many forms (including cyber bullying), ways to intervene, ways to involve parents in the process and areas of special concern such as the impact on bullying on students in various sub-groups.
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network: Also known as GLSEN, this organization sponsors original research to evaluate the organization’s programs and assess the experiences of gay and lesbian students in U.S. public schools. GLSEN also conducts surveys that explore “students’ and teachers’ experiences with bullying and harassment, and their attitudes about this serious problem in America’s schools.”
Keeping Kids Safe - Children, mobiles and the internet: This British resource includes principles for helping children and teens navigate challenges associated with mobile phone use.
Kidsdata.org (2012). Bullying and harassment at school. Palo Alto, CA: Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. Data in this site comes from the State of California. Data may be presented in a format of user’s choice (table, pie charts, etc.)
National Conference of State Legislatures--School Bullying Research and Reports: Although the information provided here is mostly from the mid-2000s, the information provided is key to an understanding of bullying. The GLSEN report listed here has been updated and is available via this link.
Overview of Olweus Research via the Olweus Bullying Research Center at Clemson: Document provides a three-page summary of research done to ascertain the impacts of the implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in Scandinavia and the United States. Dan Olweus is credited with initiating systematic research into bullying in the school setting in the 1970s (Smith, Pepler & Rigby, 2004).