Bullying Initiative
Websites with bullying information
- American Psychological Association
- Antibullying Alliance
- Antibullying Network - (Young People’s Section)
- Anti-Defamation League
- Back Off Bully
- Bully Free Project
- Bully Police USA - Has a state by state listing of laws related to bullying.
- Bully Proof Classroom
- Bullying, Bullying Prevention
- Bullying Statistics
- Cartoon Network: Stop Bullying
- Center for Safe Schools
- Cyberbully411.org
- Cyberbullying Prevention Research Collaborative
- Cyberbullying Research Center
- Girls Health
- Guide to Bullying Prevention
- Hazelden Foundation: Violence Prevention Works
- (Home of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program) - International Bullying Prevention Association
- Kids Health
- Living Life Online
- Olweus Bullying Prevention Program at Clemson
- OnGuard Online
- Operation Respect
- Ostracism - Facing History and Ourselves
- OvercomeBullying.org
- PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Program
- Parents’ School Bullying Stories
- Psych Basics
- Stomp Out Bullying
- StopBullying.gov
- StopHazing.org
- Teach.com - Bullying Resources
- uKnowKids - 10 ways parents can prevent cyberbullying
- Ultimate Bullying Solution
- WebPurify - 15 ways parents can help prevent cyberbullying
- What Is Cyberbullying? An Overview for Students, Parents, and Teachers - Maryville University
- Wired Safety
- Workplace Bullying Institute