Identifying Dominant Personality TraitsKirstie L. Bash and Lynn S. Urban*
Criminal Justice |
Psychology |
Female |
51 |
55 |
Male |
73 |
12 |
Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior |
33 20 29 42 |
8 15 21 23 |
Classroom participants began the study by reading and signing the consent form, which was approved through the University of Central Missouri's Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the expedited level. Online participants were required to read the same consent form and check the "I agree to participate in this research" button before proceeding to any of the surveys. Participants were then instructed to complete the Big Five Inventory (BFI) designed by Oliver P. John in 1991 (see Appendix A). The BFI consisted of 44 statements that participants ranked for the extent to which the statement applied to them on a 5-point Likert scale. Before analysis, 16 questions were reverse scored via instructions provided by Oliver P. John.
Participants also completed a short demographic survey to identify age, gender, class rank, major, and cumulative and major grade point average. Age, major, cumulative, and major grade point average were all open-ended questions; gender and class rank were close-ended questions. Participants were not required to complete any portion of the demographic survey. Thus, twelve criminal justice participants were excluded due to incomplete responses and demographic information. Participants who were not classified as psychology or criminal justice were also excluded from analysis. A debriefing statement was provided to all participants, along with the researcher's contact information if any questions arose.
Data were analyzed using an independent measures t-test to compare the mean scores of all five personality traits of criminal justice and psychology students. Each personality trait was analyzed separately for the criminal justice and psychology student comparison. The only significant difference between the two groups was for neuroticism, t (189) = -4.511, p < .001, presented in Table 2. The maximum scoring for each personality trait is also included in Table 2. The assumptions of the independent t-test were confirmed prior to beginning this report: the observations were independent of one another, the sample size for each group was larger than thirty, ratio-level data was used, and the Levene's test indicated that homogeneity of variance existed. Criminal justice students and psychology students scored similarly on extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. Table 2 displays the descriptive statistics for criminal justice and psychology students, respectively.
Table 2. Results for the Big Five Personality Traits for Criminal Justice and Psychology Students
N |
Mean |
t |
df |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Extraversion N = 8 Maximum = 40 |
CJ = 124 Psy = 67 |
CJ = 28.05 Psy = 26.78 |
1.35 |
189 |
.178 |
Agreeableness N = 9 Maximum = 45 |
CJ = 124 Psy = 67 |
CJ = 35.18 Psy = 35.85 |
-.86 |
189 |
.393 |
Conscientiousness N = 9 Maximum = 45 |
CJ = 124 Psy = 67 |
CJ = 34.34 Psy = 33.36 |
1.11 |
189 |
.267 |
Neuroticism N = 8 Maximum = 40 |
CJ = 124 Psy = 67 |
CJ = 20.25 Psy = 24.31 |
-4.51* |
189 |
.000* |
Openness N = 10 Maximum = 50 |
CJ = 124 Psy = 67 |
CJ = 34.49 Psy = 35.55 |
-1.25 |
189 |
.213 |
*p < .001.
The results of the independent t-test found that criminal justice students and psychology students are significantly different from one another on only one personality trait; psychology students scored slightly higher on neuroticism than criminal justice students. This significance can be explained by several factors such as skewness of data or meaningless significance. The criminal justice and psychology students were of reasonable sample sizes. However, the criminal justice sample was twice as large as the psychology sample, which could account for insignificant results of the other four traits. Although the results did find significance for neuroticism, there was only a four-point difference between the two groups. This brings into question the meaningfulness of the results given the lack of deviation from the two majors' scores. Given the similar scores between criminal justice and psychology students on the big five personality traits, this discussion will focus more on the similarities between the two majors.
Criminal justice students and psychology students scored similarly on extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. These similarities could be due to the overlapping of criminal justice and psychology areas such as forensic psychology, criminology, and rehabilitation counseling. Criminology and forensic psychology are reported to be in the top five criminal justice career areas (Johnson, 2012), which highlights the relation between criminal justice careers and the field of psychology. These career overlaps could attribute to the similar scoring for personality traits and could shed light on the fundamental similarities between criminal justice and psychology, despite having dissimilar career paths such as policing and counseling.
The four personality traits consistent among criminal justice students and psychology students represent qualities, such as organization, sociability, and assertiveness that are essential to the careers of criminal justice and psychology. Hogan (1971) reported that characteristics of being a good police officer were dependability and assertiveness, which are the underlying characteristics of extraversion and conscientiousness. Counselors typically exhibit characteristics such as organization and sociability with their clients, which represent agreeableness and conscientiousness. Both criminal justice and psychology students scored moderately high in regards to conscientiousness and agreeableness, which could indicate similar levels of intrinsic career success (i.e., job satisfaction). Intrinsic career success is also most likely to be the primary motivator for individuals to pursue careers in criminal justice and psychology; two fields that strive towards helping other individuals rather than focusing on extrinsic career success such as higher pay or incentives.
The personality scores reported by Lounsbury et al. (2009) indicated significant differences between business majors and non-business majors; business majors scored higher on conscientiousness and lower on agreeableness and openness. However, examining the mean score differences displayed that those differences were miniscule. The same trend was also observed in the research conducted by Kilic-Bebek (2009) and the current research study. The small difference between individual personality traits brings into question the difference between statistical significance and meaningful significance, which would be a suggested topic for future research.
Major limitations of the current research include a restricted sample size of criminal justice and psychology students and incomplete surveys. The current research was able to recruit 124 criminal justice students, but only 67 psychology students, which could have skewed the results due to unequal sample sizes. For future research, it is suggested to expand the sample. Grade point averages were also not analyzed due to the majority being unknown and unreported by students. A final limitation of the current research can be attributed to the weakness of self- reported surveys that were administered to the students. Due to these limitations, results of the current study should be interpreted with caution.
However, this research does shed light on the similarities between criminal justice students and psychology students, despite some career opportunities being unrelated such as school counselor and police officers. Sanders (2008) found no significant personality traits related to police officer performance, but further suggested that individual personality may be irrelevant due to police organizations focusing on the group dynamics as a whole. Although dominating personality traits among criminal justice and psychology students were not established, the current research study does provide the first descriptive look into the personality traits of criminal justice students. Further research on criminal justice student personality traits could prove to be beneficial in making a connection between personality trait and better occupational placements.
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Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. For example, do you agree that you are someone who likes to spend time with others? Please write a number next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.
Disagree Strongly – 1; Disagree a little – 2; Neither agree nor disagree – 3; Agree a little – 4; Agree strongly – 5
I See Myself as Someone Who...
___1. Is talkative ___23. Tends to be lazy
___2. Tends to find fault with others ___24. Is emotionally stable, not easily upset
___3. Does a thorough job ___25. Is inventive
___4. Is depressed, blue ___26. Has an assertive personality
___5. Is original, comes up with new ideas ___27. Can be cold and aloof
___6. Is reserved ___28. Perseveres until the task is finished
___7. Is helpful and unselfish with others ___29. Can be moody
___8. Can be somewhat careless ___30. Values artistic, aesthetic experiences
___9. Is relaxed, handles stress well ___31. Is sometimes shy, inhibited
___10. Is curious about many different things ___32. Is considerate and kind to almost everyone
___11. Is full of energy ___33. Does things efficiently
___12. Starts quarrels with others ___34. Remains calm in tense situations
___13. Is a reliable worker ___35. Prefers work that is routine
___14. Can be tense ___36. Is outgoing, sociable
___15. Is ingenious, a deep thinker ___37. Is sometimes rude to others
___16. Generates a lot of enthusiasm ___38. Makes plans and follows through with them
___17. Has a forgiving nature ___39. Gets nervous easily
___18. Tends to be disorganized ___40. Likes to reflect, play with ideas
___19. Worries a lot ___41. Has few artistic interests
___20. Has an active imagination ___42. Likes to cooperate with others
___21. Tends to be quiet ___43. Is easily distracted
___22. Is generally trusting ___44. Is sophisticated in art, music, or literature
Please check: Did you write a number in front of each statement?
Copyright 1991 by Oliver P. John. Reprinted with permission.