Kappa Omicron Nu Leadership Academy, Lisa Wootton Booth, Managing Editor
PO Box 798, Okemos, MI 48805-0798
(T) (727) 940-2658 ext. 2003 - [email protected]
The opinions expressed by the authors are their own and
do not necessarily reflect the policies of Kappa Omicron Nu.
Editor: |
Lisa Wootton Booth |
This journal was organized as a refereed publication during the First
Undergraduate Research Conference of the Undergraduate Research Community (URC) for the Human Sciences at the Kappa
Omicron Nu Conclave, Grosvenor Resort, Orlando, August 2-5, 2001.
On October 15, 2001, the Editorial Committee announced
the Call for Papers and set the first deadline for papers as January 15, 2002. No
deadlines will be set for future publications; submissions are accepted for review on an ongoing basis.
Guidelines for authors can be found at URC Guidelines and at
Guidelines for Submissions. Further information can be
obtained at the above e-mail address.
of Contents - High School Edition
Research Manuscripts
The Language of Book Titles
Brody, University of Chicago Laboratory Schools (Columbia University Course)
Research Papers
* Faculty Co-Author
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Contact: Dr. Ginger Phillips-Schiller
Telephone Number: (727) 940-2658 ext. 2003
E-mail: [email protected]
Press Release
New Journal Announced
East Lansing, Michigan . . . . Announcing Online
Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences. This online journal implements the plan to develop an electronic
journal to reflect excellent undergraduate research in the human sciences. The Undergraduate Research community for the
Human Sciences has a commitment to make this journal visible and compare in quality with similar publications in the
natural sciences, engineering, and psychology. It is intended that this journal will be a testament to undergraduate
research and curricular innovation in the human sciences. Although the first deadline was January 15, 2002, submissions are
accepted for review on an ongoing basis. Presenters at the first Undergraduate Research Conference (8/01) and
other undergraduates that have completed research are invited to submit papers for Volume 2 - 2003. Graduate students
may submit papers if the work was completed as an undergraduate student.There are no affiliation requirements; all undergraduates
conducting research in the human sciences are eligible to submit papers. Papers may represent a full range of research,
including quantitative, qualitative, and action research. Papers are classified as (a) research manuscript, (b)
research paper, and (c) research reports. See Guidelines for
Request: Please distribute copies of the
Call for Papers to faculty engaged with undergraduate researchers. The success of
this journal depends on the enthusiastic participation of human sciences units and the diverse programs within their
umbrella missions. Thank you in advance for your support.