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Interconnected Through Art:
The Artist, The Land, The Community


Guest Editor and Project Coordinator: Dr. Leda Cempellin

Binkly, Sheri: Intertwined Through Time: Andy Goldsworthy and His Masterpieces
Keller, Sara: Reciprocal Connections: Wanda Gag and Her Hometown Community in New Ulm, Minnesota
Sogn, Jenna: Sand Drawings: Only a Moment in Time
TenBrink, Marisa: Maya Lin’s Environmental Installations: Bringing the Outside In

This group project has been inspired by the theme of the 2010 Upper Midwest Honors Conference at SDSU: “Mitakuye Oyasin”, roughly translated, in the Dakota/Nakota/Lakota language as “we are all related.”

Each student in my Honors Art Appreciation class chose an artist, whose work is connected with either the land, the community, or both. Then, he/she performed a bibliographical research on that artist and applied form and content-based analysis methods we discussed in class.

These four outstanding research projects have been granted the generous contribution of bibliographical sources and images from some of the most prestigious institutions in the art world. Our collective academic effort, and this consequent publication project, would not have been possible without their support.

On behalf of my students and myself, I wish to express sincere gratitude to the artist Maya Lin and PaceWildenstein Gallery; to the artist Andy Goldsworthy and Galerie Lelong; to the artist Jim Denevan and Mali Mrozinski; to the Wanda Gag House Association; to the Minnesota Historical Society; to the SDSU Honors College; and to the SDSU Visual Arts Department. The numerous professionals involved through this process have been acknowledged on each paper in a separate note.

This group of students has also been reviewed and selected for presentation at the 2010 Upper Midwest Honors Conference at South Dakota State University, April 8-10, 2010. I am very proud of the work they have accomplished.

Personally, I wish to thank Dr. Tim Nichols, Dean of SDSU Honors College, for his truly inspiring leadership and vision, and Dr. Dorothy I. Mitstifer, for her outstanding professionalism, which enabled us to develop a wonderful collaboration through the years.

Last, but not least, I wish to thank our students, whose efforts to achieve excellence is a constant source of inspiration and genuine pride.


March 6th, 2010
Dr. Leda Cempellin

Other projects in this section: Eye Deceptions: The Evolution Of George D. Green’s Painting From The Late 1970s To The Present


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