Selected Topics in Athletic Training
Guest Editor and Project Coordinator:
Rebecca Hess PhD
Research in athletic training has rapidly expanded over the past two decades encompassing not only the more traditional
focus on clinical applications but also pedagogy and curriculum, psychology of injury, and an introspective evidence-based
practice inquiry. To support this research initiative, many undergraduate athletic training education programs
(ATEPs), including ours at California University of Pennsylvania, added a senior research class to the undergraduate
curriculum focusing on developing an understanding of published research as well as valid research questions. More
specifically, in our Sports Medicine Research course at Cal U, senior ATEP students’ research topics culminate
in a selected review of the literature, research proposal, and presentation of the research in class seminars as
well as University Academic Excellence Events. Students are also encouraged to submit papers to professional
athletic training organizations, as well as, for those that are members of our Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society,
the Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences. The following five research papers were
developed by the students as a culminating undergraduate research experience and represent Selected Topics
in Athletic Training
Rebecca Hess PhD
Professor in Health Science
California University of Pennsylvania
*Header graphic adapted from original with kind permission of Jesus Dapena |